Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Experiment (Advice for an Effective Study Habit)


Forced memorization/familiarization of two different subjects simultaneously in a span of less than 20 minutes.

So this afternoon, I've been forced to review two different subjects at the same time--'Data Communications' and 'Feedback and Control System'. Well, its not actually 'forced'… so here's the scenario:

I borrowed a book in Feedback and Control System yesterday in our school library to review (since we'll be having a quiz today) then, when I opened the book, I realized that it was not the same as our professor is using! So the book became of no use. 

I went to school early this day to go to the library but the reference book my teacher was using is currently not available! How unlucky I am? -_- 

Hours passed.

1 hour before the subject of Feedback and Control system, I saw my prof and asked him if I could go borrow his reference book. Good thing that he agreed. But the thing is, before that subject, we'll be having Data Communications subject!!! 

So while my prof in Data Communications is discussing, I'm reading the copy of the reference book I borrowed.

Listening to my prof in Data Communications and memorizing terminologies in Feedback. I did that simultaneously.

15 minutes before Feedback, my prof in Data told us to review 'cause she'll be giving a SURPRISE quiz.

What I thought that time?

Jeez. I'm dead meat!!! -_-

So I get my notes in Data and started to scan the three-page photocopied paper. I memorized the words. No choice. I've set aside my memory of Feedback and forced my brain to memorize those terminologies.

After 10 minutes, quiz has started.


That was my companion that time.


My mind has set to it.

But no matter how great my concentration is, it is still not enough! (since I was only half-listening during the discussion!)

At the end, I got 12 over 15. 

80% rate!


10 minutes to refresh my mind, and continue my memorization a while ago.

After a while, quiz has started.


I got 20 over 25.

80% again.. -_-


ONLY 80% rating of the total score in quiz in BOTH subjects. 
(gomenasai!!!  )
I always aim for perfect score that's why I'm kinda disappointed with the result and with my action.
Prepare ACCURATE review materials and review AT LEAST 1 hr next time! (Take note to self)

I'll make sure that I'll take note that  to myself. Don't wanna have an 80% again next time. I feel sorry for my profs.

P.S: If you want to have a perfect score, don't try this experiment!

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